Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

To enable the effective running of our holiday cottage, we will have to obtain personal information about individuals. However, in doing so we are bound by certain legislation. This is the Isle of Man Data Protection Act 2018, which adopts the principles of the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

The Act requires us to ensure as far as possible, personal information privacy, and to provide you with a full explanation covering:

  • Why the personal data is processed;
  • Whose personal data is processed;
  • What personal data is processed;
  • When personal data is processed; and
  • Where personal data is processed;


Should the website make use of links to other sites, we are not responsible for the privacy practices of these. This privacy statement applies solely to information collected by this website.

The Act also provides individuals with certain rights:

  • Access to an individuals data, in a commonly used electronic format (data portability);
  • Have inaccuracies corrected;
  • Have information erased;
  • Prevent direct marketing;
  • Prevent automated decision-making and profiling;

Unless we receive written consent from yourself, we will not release any information about you to third parties.

We must also advise you of how to make a complaint.

Why do we collect personal data?

Our ability to offer/provide accomodation to the public, and to be able to provide the highest level of service dependant on having access to personal information. However, we endeavour to keep this to a minimum.

Whose personal data is processed?

To enable us to provide our professional services as efficiently as possible, we will process personal data in respect of:

  • Any member of the public who is interested in staying at Surfside, or who has stayed at Surfside.

What personal data is processed?

The Act requires us to advise you what type of personal information will be processed. In addition we need to advise you how the information is obtained, and the legal basis upon which it is based.

  • Personal contact details which will comprise name, address, telephone number and e-mail, which is obtained directly from the individual. The legal basis for this is Legitimate Interest.

Where personal information is collected in respect of children (being anyone under the age of 13), it will be necessary for the parent or guardian to provide “explicit consent”.

Explicit consent has to be a positive indication of agreement to personal data being processed, and this is obtained from you when you book Surfside for a holiday.

When is personal data processed?

We will obtain information from you when you make an enquiry, and also when you make a booking.

We will retain your private information for a period of 3 years, and at the end of the designated retention period, all private information held on whatever medium is destroyed.

Where is personal data processed?

All manual and electronic records are held at our registered office address, Cronk Beg, Ballagawne Road, Colby, Isle of Man, IM9 4AZ.

Electronic records take the form of all/any of the Microsoft Office suite together with Adobe Acrobat and Dropbox. These are held on personal computers and smartphones, which are digitally encrypted to provide protection against hacking. All information is backed onto The Cloud.

Your rights

Access Requests

You are entitled to ask for details of any personal information that we hold. This will be provided as quickly as possible, but in any event, no later than 30 days after receipt of the request. We will not charge for accessing and providing you with the information. At the same time we will remind you of your rights which are to:

  • Have your data provided in a commonly used electronic format (data portability);
  • Have inaccuracies corrected;
  • Have information erased;
  • Prevent direct marketing;
  • Prevent automated decision-making and profiling;
Privacy breaches

Should a privacy breach occur we will notify you directly as soon as possible following identification of the breach. This notification will include:

  • Date of the Breach
  • Description of the Breach comprising a general description of what happened
  • Description of the information inappropriately accessed, collected, used or disclosed
  • The steps taken so far to control or reduce the harm
  • Future steps planned to prevent further privacy breaches
  • Steps you might consider taking
  • Contact details of the Information Commissioner
  • Our contact details

Should you feel it necessary to make a complaint, in the first instance this should be made in writing explain the reasons for the complaint to:

Mr S Hulbert
Surfside Holiday Limited
Cronk Beg
Ballagawne Road
Isle of Man


You will receive an acknowledgement of this within 3 working days, and a full response within 10 working days.

If you feel that your complaint has not been satisfactorily resolved, you may complain directly to the Information Commissioner:

Mr I McDonald
Information Commissioner
PO Box 69,
Isle of Man
IM99 1EQ

T: +44(0)1624 693260

Our Tariff

We feel that the facilities at “Surfside” will fully meet your expectations, and our aim is to provide great value for money. As such, our tariff scale is both simple and competitive:

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